Friday, January 25, 2008

Yearly update

If this is where we are supposed to update the world on what we've been doing for the past year then here goes.
I spent the year at Clackamas community college where I am a music major. Go figure considering who my father is. = ) I participate in the: band playing French horn, choir singing baritone and functioning as the student conductor as well, and a brass quintet. On top of all these performance classes I am taking Theory II. As you can imagine I have very little free time to myself.
What little free time I have is spent at Fit for Life, and exercise gym which is my place of employment, or volunteering at AWANA where I am a TNT leader.
This summer contained most of my excitement. This is the case because I went to travel the world! I spent two weeks in Europe, and another two weeks in L.A. I went to Europe with about seven other music students from the college and we spent four days in London, four days in Paris, and another four days in Rome.....all the sites we saw kept getting older and older. L.A. was just a little different from Europe. To start off it was a choir tour. Apparently there is a large Estonian choir festival down there every year or so and our choir director is sort of an ambassador to the country since he is personal friends with one of their national choral composers.
As of now my plans for the future could take at least two different paths. I can head off to a university and get my teaching degree and teach high school music, and play on the side, or graduate with my Associate of Arts in a year of so from CCC and get a decent day job and gig around town in the evening. Who knows what God wants for me but I'm sure He'll guide me in the right direction.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ya know....I've been very lucky to know friends who have children because I've learned so much. Much I've learned has been about God. I see the lessons a child learns (parents love you even when they discipline you, there is love even when you're annoyed, parents really do love to give their children good things, and no father would give a child a snake when they ask for some bread). I'm so grateful to God. Reminds me of that verse that says "He will put the solitary (or lonely) in families."

Photo at Knappa House, 1993.

Midnight at the Pricer's Home

This is what happens at midnight at the Pricer's home. It's not that there are little mice that sneak out from the baseboard, but there are children who are sitting in the dark, nose-to-monitor. Get that child a laptop!!!

Isn't it amazing that an object exists that 20 years ago did not? School work has changed so much with the use of computers. I remember typing up reports and when there was a mistake, I'd have to retype the entire page or try to use correct tape. And Peggy even has a job working with computers whereas in Astoria I think it would have been far from her mind.


Is this where we're supposed to describe everything we've done over this last year for everyone in the world to read? 

Or is this a private blog?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Starting the family blog

We are following in the footsteps of our friends the Berglunds and Hoffers who maintain blogs to keep each other up on doings in their lives.  Maybe we will keep this more up to date than our website.